Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is There A Conspiracy? VI

Whether there is a conspiracy or not, there is no denying that there are strange things going on with food and healthcare, the politics around food and healthcare and there is no denying that our government and justice system has been compromised as well.

The best example that I have of this corruption is our 2012 election.  I've always had a funky feeling that the election was fixed.  I felt that something was very wrong when Ron Paul was exploding all over the internet and all over our nation; his supporters were everywhere but I found that occasional individual who likes Romney or Obama and yet the race was between those two?  On the rare occasion that I would discuss this, I would always hear the same excuses.  There were also strange events like how in some counties there were more votes than there were voters.  Then there was the weird stuff that the video below talks about.

Unfortunately, my question "Is there a conspiracy?" can't really be answered as of yet.  I have my suspicions and, of course, my many, many questions; but to my frustration, I can't seem to get an answer with a solid source behind it.  I will be keeping my eyes open and my voice heard about this matter though.  I will not put up or shut up about declining liberty, irresponsibility in politics and the poisoning of my food and environment.  So even though this may be the last post in this series, it doesn't mean that I've closed the book on the matter.  I will be posting more about this in the future.  

(You will have to watch the video on YouTube.  The link on the screen will take you there.)

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