Friday, October 25, 2013

Is There a Conspiracy? III

In the last post, we explored the possibility that there is NO conspiracy.  We discussed some of the answers that the government and industries offered the public.  We've also discussed some of the unanswered questions; some of the unanswered questions.  Unfortunately, the questions just don't stop there.

When you know more about the industries that are creating law, hiding vital information and covering up their part in the rising cancer mortality, infant mortality and heart disease mortality rate; both the answers as well as the lack of answer raise even more serious questions; questions about health, politics and how the two influence each other in today's world.  There is still no denying that there is something very strange going on in our justice system especially when it comes to fighting against or giving truthful information about these industries.  This fact raises even more questions still; like why is government becoming bigger and bigger despite the small government that our forefathers tried to implement?  Why are there laws in healthcare (thanks to Obamacare) that limit what people like me want in a healthcare system; like the right to have nothing more than emergency insurance or the right not have health insurance at all for example?  Why is Big Pharma trying to force their products on us by creating laws against the refusal of vaccines or by creating laws that will allow schools to vaccinate our middle school aged children without parental consent?  Why are teachers sending notes home to parents stating that they MAY NOT send their children to school with a packed lunch without a doctor's note?  Why won't Monsanto label their GMOs despite the many who are asking, begging and even fighting them to do so?  Why are geoengineering companies pumping poisons in the air to control the whether despite the lack of testing on what it could do to the health of the general public?   And why, oh why, is it illegal to not only sell something as nutritious as raw milk in several states but illegal to even consume it in your own back yard in Wisconsin?  Why indeed?

We can't assume that all of these questions and the lack of answers have no connection because there is one variable that connects all of these questions and their possible answers; the rapid decline of rights to choose for ourselves and our families.  There is another variable that is equally as frightening; there is a slow but definite increase of power to the government, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  Again, even if this is about nothing but money, there seems to be a connection between the government, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  How can one blame the people who assume there is a conspiracy?  In fact, when you ask the right questions, it's those so-called "crazy conspiracy theory people" that actually start to make sense!

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