Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Comments On a Video

Ka Sundance's channel on Youtube is fabulous for raw foodies.  I suspect that he and his family have been on the raw food diet for a while.  I have enjoyed several of his videos.  I had a problem with the video below, however.  While it's very possible to heal candida on a raw food diet, it's impossible to do so with the protocols that I'm familiar with (GAPS and BED diets).  Another issue I had with this video is some of the misinformation given.  I commented on Youtube:

"You are incorrect about a few things (I'm SO sorry and I hope you don't mind my saying).  First, not all fermented foods feed candida.  Kombucha and sauerkraut actually KILL candida (I know this fact not just from research but from personal experience and confirmed per advice from a board certified nutritionist).  Yes, these foods DO increase symptoms AT FIRST, which is a bummer.  But this isn't because the candida is being fed but killed.  When the candida dies off, they release a toxin that cause or increase the same symptoms as the candida overgrowth itself; these are called die-off symptoms.  To combat candida, I've had to INCREASE the amount of cultures in my diet; so I have been eating and drinking a LOT of kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and probiotic supplements and my overgrowth is almost gone.  I can testify that I got worse before I got better, but again, die-off is just a nasty phase that some of us go through.  Then I discovered that charcoal (or Takazumi, which is carbonized bamboo) actually absorb the toxins and decrease die-off symptoms; so this is something to keep in mind if you're about to do a fungal detox or candida diet.

Another thing that you're incorrect about, is that if you have candida overgrowth that is even half as bad as mine was, you will need MUCH more than two weeks of detox and sugar elimination (other than low amounts of honey and the sugar in kefirs, kombucha or other bacteria rich fermented foods).  Decrease of symptoms doesn't mean that the candida is gone either.  I am almost symptom free and I have another couple of months to go in my battle.

Thirdly, curing candida will take much more that detox.  Chances are, you have an inflamed or leaky gut.  Candida can and (and if the overgrowth is bad it probably did) damage your gut especially if you've had it for a while.  The gut should be repaired as the candida is being killed or symptoms will continue.  The only vegan foods that I know of that will repair the gut are marshmallow root and slippery elm bark which I STILL eat every single day.  Beyond that, my advice isn't raw food vegan friendly, so I'll just stop there.

I felt that this was important, and I truly hope that I was helpful!"


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