Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snark, Accusation and Judgement, Oh My!

There is an article about an individual who contracted pertussis (aka whooping cough).  She was very descriptive about what she went through when she was sick.  In fact, anyone who reads it must admit that pertussis sounds like anything but fun.  I feel badly for anyone who has to go through that, particularly babies.  I must say, however, the underlying message behind this article I DON'T agree with.

Basically, this article is to give reason why people absolutely MUST get vaccinated for things like whooping cough.  Now, I don't mean that she was just strongly suggesting it.  No, she and many who commented were in fact talking more about forcing vaccines on those who choose not to do it.  Many who commented denied the link between autism and mercury (in the thimerosal).  I mean, they were literally insisting that modern research says that there is no link.  Dr. Wakefield, of course, was attacked; I tried to talk about Dr. Boyd Haley's research and then HE was attacked.  When I commented (in the form of a question) how one source will tell us that mercury is safe and another will urge us to watch out for mercury, then I was attacked.  It went as far as people suggesting that those who don't get vaccinated should get fined.

Mercy!  Is THIS really what America is coming to?  A land that offers us NO right to protect our children against a drug that is poorly researched, that has maimed and killed and that is constantly applied so irresponsibly?  Once again, I played with the idea of leaving the land of the free, but for now, I'm going to stay and fight this oppressive darkness trying to take over what was once a free nation that was heading for more freedom and prosperity for all.  I decided to give it another go; so I put up my dukes to block and started typing more commentary.  Obviously I couldn't talk science with these people.  Any scientist who did good and proper research on this matter was labeled a "crackpot" or "fraud" or something; so bringing up research wasn't going to help these people.  They pretty much called any parent who claimed that their child had vaccine injury a liar and if I mentioned them, or worse, stuck up for them, then I was called ignorant.  So much for putting up my poor smokin' dukes!  These people were swinging without aim, so anyone so much as standing on the opposite side would get hit.

Finally, I realized that this was indeed a losing battle.  I deleted my account with them and sent the link to several of my colleagues who have their facts straight; particularly the ones who LOVE heated arguements and debates.  I hope they have better luck than I did.

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