Saturday, March 1, 2014

Enzymes and Leaky Gut

Enzymes are powerful little proteins that aid the body in so many different, wonderful ways.  Vitalzyme is a mixture of enzymes; people take them for several different reasons.  For leaky gut patients, enzymes play a particularly important role in healing.

Leaky gut syndrome is when the gut lining is damaged and often inflamed.  Because of this damage, to the lining, larger particles can pass through the gut wall and into the bloodstream.  Because these particles were not broken down properly, the body mistakes the over-sized nutrient as a pathogen.  This is why nasty allergies, food sensitivities and autoimmune diseases are leaky gut dead giveaways.  When the body is attacking itself or over reacting to something benign; it's because it's mistaking a healthy protein or nutrient for a pathogen which can ONLY result from leaky gut syndrome.

Enzymes can help in the leaky gut healing process because they break down food that can pass through the gut walls.  Before I knew anything about leaky gut syndrome, I used to take enzyme supplements to help break down food anyway.  Based on certain symptoms, it was evident to me, (and later to an old doctor of mine), that I was not breaking down my food properly.  Now, most of the probiotic foods that I make are rich both in cultures and in enzymes.  During the fermentation process of sauerkraut or kefir, enzymes increase making the anaerobic fermented foods/beverages much more medicinally potent for those fighting leaky gut syndrome.  Even so, I still take a non-GMO green papaya extract supplement to give my body additional help.

No matter how far along one is in a leaky gut healing protocol, enzymes are most definitely to be considered.  They rank side-by-side with probiotics as the rock-star healers of leaky gut syndrome.

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