Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fibroid Shrinking Follow Up

I've had questions about my issue with fibroids and the supplement that I've used to get rid of them.  I decided to write a post to inform where I am in that journey.

My fibroids are smaller, however, I learned some things on my journey and I ran into trouble because of my GAPS diet.  If you do GAPS, BED or Paleo, you may run into some trouble because of the meat eating.  You see, meat builds fibroids and vegetables shrink them.  Because of my leaky gut, I'm not able to absorb nutrients very well.  So I HAD to do GAPS first. 

One thing that I’ve learned was that uterine fibroids and fibroids in the breast are very different.  The ones in the breast can be shrunk pretty easily while the uterine fibroids are more challenging.  Uterine fibroids are usually the result of estrogen dominance, so one has to decrease the amount of estrogen in the body to shrink the fibroids and THAT is challenging..  Another thing I learned was that while one doctor told me to stay away from flax seeds (because it is a very estrogenic food) another doctor said that she INSTRUCTS her patients to eat flax seeds because while they do give estrogen where estrogen is needed, it also helps the body to get rid of excess estrogen.  So essentially, it balances hormones.  Because she has had success with that, I followed her advice and tried to eat more flaxseeds.

There were some other issues that I didn't address in the last post because I didn't know until I actually started the protocol.  First, the supplement that I took (Vitalzyme professional strength), you must take it 2-3 times per day; and the challenge is you must take it ON AN EMPTY STOMACH or it doesn't work.  In other words you must wait two hours after eating and wait another hour after taking the supplement before you can eat again.  Second, you must be wary of chemical estrogenic imitators or xenoestrogens (particularly parabens, phalathes, Sodium Laurel Sulphate [SLS] and even phenoxyethanol which is supposed to be a “mild” preservative).  You also need to be aware of plant based estrogen imitators or phytoestrogen (essential oils, natural fragrances…).  I had to learn to make my own deodorant, lip balm, laundry booster (which I need because I use soap nuts) automatic dishwasher detergent and I still have yet to make soap.  In the meantime I buy olive oil soap.  This is the most frustrating part of the journey because I have to watch it when eating at someone’s house (dish detergents), I can’t use lotion (paraben), I have to travel with my own liquid soap in my purse to use in public restrooms (SLS) and I can't even sleep at a hotel or friend's house because the sheets were washed in something that I shouldn't touch (xenoestrogens of various kinds).

So it is working, but it will work much more quickly when I can stay away from meat for a while.  You need to balance your hormones while on this protocol and do it for as long as you need to until they shrink. If you're like me and doing the GAPS (or BED or Paleo), don't despair, it will happen.  You just need to be MUCH more patient.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Top 10 Foods Highest in Magnesium

I was SO surprised when I saw how much magnesium is in chocolate!  Now it makes sense why when we females are hormonal we can get some beastly chocolate cravings; we're magnesium deficient!  Well ladies (and you magnesium deficient gentlemen) below is a link to a list of foods that are highest in magnesium.

According to Dr. Mercola, if you are taking supplements for calcium or vitamin D3 (to name a few), then you definitely need magnesium.  Although some of us are SO deficient that we need a magnesium supplement, if it's possible to get our nutrients from food, that is always best.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Magnesium

Friday, March 7, 2014

Kefir Cream Cheese

I've tried the kefir cream cheese (see March's book in BeWell BookWorms).  It was almost kind of addicting.  I added dill to it and spread it on some almond crackers.  I couldn't believe how good it was!

The last batch of almond crackers were actually the first really good batch that I've made.  It took a lot of trial and error, but I made it.  Many of these things take experimentation and ruining foods and trying again anyway.  

I encourage you to try the kefir cream cheese and add that food to your snacks list.  It's another way to get your cultures in and let's face it; it's delicious stuff!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Health Freedom Update

I'll say it again, every single time you buy food you are telling Big Corporate what is in demand.  Three times a day you vote.  What do you support?  Do you support toxic GMO foods?  Do you support local or organic farmers?

Well, it seems like you've given your answer... or at least you've given Big Corporate your answer.  Companies like GM and McD0n@lds are scrambling to provide healthier foods.  Translation:  we're winning battle!  Keep doing what you're doing!  Don't put up or shut up until these bullies give up!

Fast food chains struggle in wake of healthy eating trend


March's Book: Easy Kefir Recipes

Kefir is a blessing to those on leaky gut healing protocols.  There are two kinds of kefir, there is water kefir (for soda) and milk kefir (yogurt).  I actually consume (and VERY much enjoy) both.  I decided that a kefir recipe book would be a good book to feature this month.

I also posted a video presentation of a recipe that I FULLY intend on trying today.  Now that I have a dairy farmer who provides fabulous raw milk that my body loves, I eat yogurt again and I look forward to trying this kefir "cream cheese" stuff.  Kefir cream cheese would be a nice spread for my nut meal crackers.

I thought that a book on easy kefir recipes would be an ideal choice for the probiotic series that I've been doing. What I love about the book that I posted is that it's a kindle addition for a dollar!  I hope you enjoy your kefir cream cheese and your other kefir recipes!

Vitamin E

We've talked about the benefits of vitamin D and leaky gut syndrome.  Vitamin E also plays a role in gut repair among other things.

Vitamin E was something that I used to put on my skin almost daily.  I learned about it from a girlfriend of mine when I was 13.  She had the chickenpox and applied vitamin E oil on her scars.  Within weeks, you wouldn't even know that she had the chickenpox.  That's when I learned that vitamin E was great stuff for external healing.  But it's also fabulous for internal healing as well.

A vitamin E supplement would be especially good for those who have leaky gut that manifests in the form of eczema.  Taken internally or out, it repairs tissue and protects it with it's antioxidant properties.  What I didn't know is that it also has immune building properties as well.

So if you are healing your leaky gut, vitamin D is great to consider, but so is E.  Make sure you have some in your diet.  Nuts (like almonds), seeds, olive oil, avocados, greens and seafood like fish and shellfish are high in vitamin E.  Nuts, seeds and olive oil seemed to have vitamin E content that is higher than other foods.  But hey, I say try them all!  Why not?  All those foods are rich in many other nutrients and variety in one's diet is always advisable when possible.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dairy and Leaky Gut

Many health professionals advise elimination of dairy from the diet to heal leaky gut syndrome.  In my experience, dairy isn't always bad.  Yogurt, in fact, is a part of the GAPS diet. I understand there are even some cheeses that are so high in good cultures and beneficial yeasts that even THEY are included in the GAPS diet (perhaps not in the beginning though).

I take probiotic supplements, but even my nutritionist said she would prefer it if I got a good portion of my probiotic intake from food. I never felt like I was getting enough so I started looking for a goat farmer (that sold shares for raw milk) so that I could make yogurt, though I tested VERY poorly on dairy (meaning I'm allergic or sensitive). I found a GREAT farmer! What I love about her is that she doesn't feed her animals the garbage; so they are a very healthy, happy bunch.   I'm officially on the waiting list for goat's milk, however, she also has cows that are a different species from the norm and there were shares available for them. The farmer gave me a sample of the cow's milk to take to my doctor to test me. I couldn't believe it, but I tested REALLY well on this milk! So now I include yogurt in my diet and I feel GREAT!

So although there are many dietary protocols for healing leaky gut; we need to be careful sometimes about what we eliminate from our diets.  Dr. Campbell-McBride constantly encourages to "Listen to your bodies" because what's good for me may not be good for you.  Dairy can be bad for some; but if you can find a dynamite dairy farmer like mine, raw dairy has LOADS of cultures and enzymes that could help heal leaky gut syndrome.  Get tested and listen to your body; if raw milk is the way to go for you, then go for it!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Enzymes and Leaky Gut

Enzymes are powerful little proteins that aid the body in so many different, wonderful ways.  Vitalzyme is a mixture of enzymes; people take them for several different reasons.  For leaky gut patients, enzymes play a particularly important role in healing.

Leaky gut syndrome is when the gut lining is damaged and often inflamed.  Because of this damage, to the lining, larger particles can pass through the gut wall and into the bloodstream.  Because these particles were not broken down properly, the body mistakes the over-sized nutrient as a pathogen.  This is why nasty allergies, food sensitivities and autoimmune diseases are leaky gut dead giveaways.  When the body is attacking itself or over reacting to something benign; it's because it's mistaking a healthy protein or nutrient for a pathogen which can ONLY result from leaky gut syndrome.

Enzymes can help in the leaky gut healing process because they break down food that can pass through the gut walls.  Before I knew anything about leaky gut syndrome, I used to take enzyme supplements to help break down food anyway.  Based on certain symptoms, it was evident to me, (and later to an old doctor of mine), that I was not breaking down my food properly.  Now, most of the probiotic foods that I make are rich both in cultures and in enzymes.  During the fermentation process of sauerkraut or kefir, enzymes increase making the anaerobic fermented foods/beverages much more medicinally potent for those fighting leaky gut syndrome.  Even so, I still take a non-GMO green papaya extract supplement to give my body additional help.

No matter how far along one is in a leaky gut healing protocol, enzymes are most definitely to be considered.  They rank side-by-side with probiotics as the rock-star healers of leaky gut syndrome.

Oral Thrush/ White Tongue

If you have a white sheet on your tongue (like in the pic above), it could be from many different causes.  Most health professionals first suggest to drink more water and continue to do so for a week or two to see if there is a difference, as it could be dehydration.  One of the most common causes of this, however, can be a candida infection.  If your white tongue is accompanied by a rash, fatigue, digestive problems or brain fog, it would be best to make a beeline for your health provider to see if you have candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome.

I did have a white sheet on my tongue.  After brushing my teeth, I would brush it off of my tongue and it would come back by nightfall before I'd brush it off again.  All this time, I had no idea that it had anything to do with candida.  As I progressed in my GAPS diet, the white has receded significantly.  The only time I have a little white now is if I haven't been drinking enough water.

So don't panic when you see thrush or a white tongue, maybe your just thirsty.  But if it looks as bad as the picture above (which was the least repulsive picture that I could find of oral thrush), or if that sheet is a charcoal grayish color, go see your health provider.  It's best to be guided by a professional on what to do.  If pharmaceuticals aren't for you and that's what is prescribed, remember that you have EVERY right to seek a second opinion.  I would advice a naturopathic doctor the second time around, he/she is likely to treat you without drugs.  Check on my Wellness Avenues page; look for Health Centers/Clinics; then Naturopathic Practitioners and that will link you to a directory that may help you find naturopathic practitioners in your area.