Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I stand by my premise that traditional medicine (or mainstream healthcare) has its place. Once upon a time, I would've said the same about antibiotics; that it has it's place. Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to say that with confidence anymore.

There's so many dangers to taking antibiotics and the fact that there are alternatives, like oregano oil, why would one take the risk? For some, the answer to that question would be because they're not sure of the efficacy of herbal antibiotics like oregano oil or goldenseal. I can't say that I blame them, when your sick, figuring out which doctor to listen to can be a tricky business unless it's someone that you know and trust. I usually listen to my doctor, but not everyone has the benefits of a doctor who practices science based medicine as opposed to the doctors who are trained by Big Pharma influenced institutions.

One of many reasons why this blog is such a blessing for me, is because the amount of research that I need to do on pathologies and the validity of the different treatments whether mainstream or alternative.  I've learned so much that it's now very clear to me when the naturopathic doctors that I've chosen are golden or not.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Be Careful of Demonizing Food

A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook. Everything that this video says about low-fat peanut butter and diet soda I am so on board with. What the video suggests about trail mix and dried fruits, however, is mostly true… but to a point.

Trail mix, for example, is actually a great snack; but only when it's made from real food. The trail mix that was shown in the video had refined sugars in the dried fruit, candy, BHA in the nuts and it's probable that the dried fruit was processed with sulfur. I would agree any day of the week that that is not food and should never be consumed. If one makes one's own trail mix, however, out of organic nuts and untreated dry fruits that were naturally dehydrated, for example, then that's just a healthy snack. Therefore, what they said about dried fruits is also true if the fruit is GMO, contains added sugar and/or is processed with sulfur or other toxic additives. Organic dried figs, dates, mangoes and many others are not only natural candies but they also have health benefits.

We've got to be careful about demonizing food. Yes, most of the so-called "food" in the video should not be consumed. But what should be demonized is the refined garbage that is mistakenly deemed as food. Do not demonize food itself. Food is healthy, necessary, nourishing and can even be medicinal. The foods that make most people sick today, are either food-like products or are real food that are allergic or sensitive to because of the food-like products that we've consumed in the past.

I encourage all to do research and not listen to everything that you hear; not even from me.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Socialized Healthcare (Followup for yesterday's post)

When the American people were told that we will be able to keep our old health insurance, that was quite obviously a broken promise (to be polite).  Hundreds of thousands of Americans had to switch to a far more expensive healthcare plan. I want to use this opportunity to vent how it affected me.

For just about any health ailment, my husband and I use a flex card to pay for our healthcare needs. The only health insurance we actually need is emergency care in case we need to go to the hospital. Emergency care is no longer available because of the laws that revolve around socialized healthcare. Therefore, my husband and I will have to pay a lot more money for health care services that I'm absolutely certain we will never use. So instead of spending that money on our own health care needs we are as good as putting more money into a black hole.  Thankfully, there are other options that we will be looking into.

Restricting the choices of American citizens does not make a better America. I understand that there are people who need health insurance, but this is not the way to get it for them.  Hudreds of thousands of Americans and I are all hoping that this nightmare goes away sometime very soon; many of them are Americans who can't afford healthcare OR the fine that they will need to pay because they can't afford healthcare.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


More and more people are complaining about the disadvantages of Obamacare.  For many, the so-called Affordable Care Act is not affordable.  The nasty part is that people who REALLY can't afford it get fined for not having health insurance that they can't afford in the first place and no one can explain to me how this is helping them.

There are SO many reasons why I am against Obamacare.  I'm tired of people affirming that it's "the law of the land" because taxation without representation was also the law of the land and the result was revolution.  That's the only thing about Obamacare that gives me hope; the hope of revolution.  Not necessarily "war" (which I understand revolution can easily escalate to and is often associated with), but revolution itself.  Many Americans hold on to the hope that the government will stop trying to spoon feed those of us who don't need them to make choices for us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January's book: The Cure Is In The Cupboard

It's very possible that vaccines have their place.  If they do, however, I'd be the last person to tell you about their place.  There have been SO many parents (even parents who are practicing physicians) who complain about their children suffering from vaccine injury; so I wonder.  After doing lots of research, I found that there have also been MANY studies that show the VERY destructive effects of vaccines.  So I don't particularly care for flu shots or other unnecessary vaccines.

The first person who told me about the benefits of oregano oil was my aunt.  Honestly, there are SO many different ways to prevent the flu, but she seems to really believe in the oregano oil.  I felt that it wouldn't hurt to do some research on oregano oil and it's benefits.  When I heard it treats candida, I knew that I HAD to know more.  So this month, I decided on the book "The Cure Is In The Cupboard" by Dr. C Ingram.

"Why I Want My Patients Off Birth Control" Says Dr. Kelly Brogan

There are sooo many methods of birth control, I've always been too afraid of birth control pills.  I just don't like to mess around with hormones unless it's necessary.

What this doctor had to say about birth control pills made me SO happy that I've always avoided them.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Seaweed Tends To Be Highly Recommended

Dulse is a seaweed that was highly recommended to many who have candida. One article suggested that dulse is high in probiotics, but I haven't heard anyone back that with research so I take that piece of information with a grain of salt. Dulse, however, is still a seaweed that is very high in the particularly necessary nutrients for Candida sufferers like iodine and selenium.

I started to make a habit of sprinkling a little bit of dulse flakes on my steak. This way, the iodine can contribute to killing the candida, the selenium can contribute to removing its toxins, the probiotics in the sauerkraut help to replenish the gut flora and the saturated fats in the meat help repair the enterocytes. So right there is a lunch that helps me fight the disease that I have suffered from for most of my life from several angles.

Dulse flakes are not the only kind of seaweed, obviously. I just happen to find them very affordable and versatile in its use in recipes. I've use them in soups and salads but most of all on my steak. But I also enjoy nori snacks, kelp powder and perhaps when I'm able to eat beans again, I can enjoy my kombu seaweed as well.  All are healthful and helpful in fighting candida.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Slippery Elm Bark and Tissue Repair

I first learned about slippery elm bark from the friend who introduced me to my first natropathic doctor. I believe that was the first or second time I had ever suffered from bronchitis. Another friend of mine advised me to take a very common Russian remedy for bronchitis, while the other one suggested slippery elm bark. I remember having to take the slippery elm bark with a heated beverage; apparently, heat activates slippery elm bark.

I learned later that not only does it help to heal cough, it aids tissue repair. Anything that aids tissue repair can heal just about any disease. The disease may not heal immediately, but anything that can help heal inflammation can help heal the entire body. Inflammation is what causes just about any disease that you can imagine. Flu, for example, is caused by a virus, yes, but a strong and healthy body with very little to no inflammation is more likely to fight that virus off before the the individual knows that their body is being invaded. This is why slippery elm is gold; especially to those of us with leaky gut syndrome.  Last year was the first year in a long time that I caught a cold or flu virus, but didn't get sick.  I knew this was an excellent sign that I was healing even before my doctor said so.

For those who use slippery elm bark for leaky gut, one piece of advice I keep reading is to make sure that you take a LOT of probiotics with it.  Obviously, it may not be the best idea to take them at the same time (since slippery elm is heat activated and heat can weaken or kill cultures), but maybe take the slippery elm between meals that are rich in probiotics (kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt...).  I usually eat slippery elm with a honey-sweetened candy that I make with sesame seeds.  Then after about a half hour, I chug two shots of coconut kefir (approximately 2 tablespoons) or eat some coconut yogurt.  That's right, why not have FUN with the supplements that you're taking!

I try to take slippery elm everyday in some way; whether it's in those candies or in my tea or some other dish.  My nutritionist HIGHLY recommends it for leaky gut; and, in fact, gives her clients a supplement that contains slippery elm bark.  So have fun and if you have any recipes that you'd like to share, feel free to share them in the comments below.