Monday, May 6, 2013

May's Books: Jamaican Recipes

Last month there was a post where I was happily reminiscing about Jamaican meals that I would enjoy with my family as a kid made me want to feature a book about Jamaican feasts.  I found these two books.  The first one is $0.99 for your kindle, and the other is a $2.00 book that has 50 Jamaican recipes or more.

One thing that I find is a must, is to be wary of the modernization of some of the cooking.  Jamaican meals can be extremely healthful, but the modernization of the recipe kind of kills the nutritional value of it.  For example, the recipe for the dumpling uses regular white flour.  I would use a whole grain flour instead.  It also wouldn't surprise me if many of these recipes call for sugar; you could replace that with coconut crystals or honey.  Another way to make these meals more healthful is to always, always use coconut oil instead of the GMO canola garbage when the recipe calls for cooking oil.  With just these few tips, your Jamaican meals could be VERY healthful.  As far as the flavor, the word that comes to mind is BOONOONOONOOS!!

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