Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Green Banana Porridge Part II

I forgot to mention that the bananas used in the green banana porridge recipe are different than the bananas that we Americans commonly put in our fruit bowls along with apples and pears.  The bananas used for this recipe are bigger and they are commonly used for cooking in several cultures.  Unfortunately, I know these bananas when I see them, but I'm not sure what they are called in this country.  They call it plantain in Jamaica and I've heard Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and other Latinos refer to them as platanos.  If you ask your grocer for plantain or platanos, they may be able to help you if they carry these cooking bananas.  The bad news is, I don't see many grocery stores that have them; the good news is, I don't shop at conventional grocery stores (so the may have them though I'm not aware of it).

I realize that many people find this post most unnecessary, but I've had friends who saw these bananas in my home and were fascinated by them; this tells me that there are some people who may need this information in order to make this recipe work well.  If you use the common bananas, it may very well work, but I couldn't promise because I've never used those bananas for cooking before.

Well, I hope this post helped some of you!  Either way, enjoy!

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