Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Discontinued Products (Part 2)

The discontinuation of this product was perhaps the greatest disappointment of all.  I was literally in tears when I found out Aqua Libra was discontinued because I was so dependant on it.  I even wrote the company to see if there was any way that I could have just a few more bottles until I found an alternative.  The history of my experience with this product may explain why I reacted so desperately.

I was sixteen when I visited Europe for the first time.  When we left France (where the tour ended) and went back to England (where we origionally started the tour) and that night we saw “Me and My Girl”; or at least I saw part of it.  I got violently ill before the intermission and my mother had to take me back to the hotel.  For several hours I couldn’t even hold down water.  My parents tried everything from ginger ale, coke, tea and water and all of it came right back up until finally they had to take me to the doctor.  The doctor basically told me to consume the very things that I my body couldn’t hold.  I don’t know where my dad heard of it, or what made him buy it, but he came home with a crate of this drink called Aqua Libra.  Not only wat this the first beverage I was able to hold down, but I was able to drink other beverages after that.  About 24 hours after I started drinking this stuff, I was able to have a hot (but light) sandwich on toasted bread.  I’ve never forgotten that.  Imagine how elated I was when I found out that it was sold in the united states.

I’ve had GI problems that started in my early twenties following the Jenny Craig diet that I was on.  Once I stated living in California it was a bit worse.  I always made sure that I had at least two bottles in my house at all times in case I needed it.  Nothing settled my stomach faster.  I’ve never needed Tums or Rolaids, just a small glass of Aqua Libra followed by some aloe juice and my stomach was fine.

I still miss this product.  If only there was a recipe.  My GI problems now aren’t what they were seven years ago, but that could also be because of change in diet.  I still feel the need for a nice glass of Aqua Libra now and again though.


  1. Aqua Libra was a healthy drink. It was alcaline which caused its beneficial effect. Today's soft drinks with aspartame are heavily acidic. The whole population is suffering of hyperacidity, so Aqua Libra was a boon and it even tasted excellently. The soft drink industry is obviously not concerned of our health. Aqua Libra is no longer available but one can have a great deal of drinks full of sugar and sweateners detrimental to health.

  2. You sound as discouraged as I feel, my friend. I dare to hope for something similar to come back to the market.

  3. I miss it too. we used to stock it. at any point we'd have 2 cases in the pantry. so sad it's gone.

  4. I also would like yo see it make a return. It was a melon based drink so you might try eating melon for a similar alkaline effect. Works for me anyway.

  5. I also would like yo see it make a return. It was a melon based drink so you might try eating melon for a similar alkaline effect. Works for me anyway.

  6. I have been searching for this drink for over 20 years. My mom gave me a drink of it when I was a child while we were on vacation and told me I'd love it. She was right. The taste is hypnotic, if such a thing I'd even possible. To hear that it's discontinued is so sad. I even have perfumes I've collected over the years bc they smelled as this tastes. Aqua Libra was truly hypnotic!

  7. Does anyone know why the company discontinued making it! I discovered it through a friend from great Britain and bought it for years afterwards and then stopped. A couple of years ago I searched for it again but was sorely disappointed that it was no where to be found. If anyone finds the product anywhere, please let me know!

  8. Does anyone know why the company discontinued making it! I discovered it through a friend from great Britain and bought it for years afterwards and then stopped. A couple of years ago I searched for it again but was sorely disappointed that it was no where to be found. If anyone finds the product anywhere, please let me know!

  9. Got heart burn, eat a 5inch piece of cucumber, job done. In fact, Aqua Libra contents were.....apple, grape, passionfruit and melon, so anyone should be able to reproduce this at home, although I'd prob swap apple and passionfruit for pear and cucumber.

  10. Got heart burn, eat a 5inch piece of cucumber, job done. In fact, Aqua Libra contents were.....apple, grape, passionfruit and melon, so anyone should be able to reproduce this at home, although I'd prob swap apple and passionfruit for pear and cucumber.

  11. Ingredients
    Fruit juices from concentrate 54% (apple, grape, passionfruit, melon), carbonated spring water 45%, malic acid, flavouring, botanical extracts (sesame seed, sunflower seed, tarragon).

  12. Aqua Libra was magical. I miss it and still look for it, even though finding it would be akin to finding a unicorn.

  13. I just found a new aqualibra.com! by Britvic. But sadly not the same flavour. We should all write to the manufacturer to re-introduce the same melon and passionfruit flavour. I want it back!

  14. I miss Aqualibra too. The company is still in business. We should start a campaign to bring it back!
